RECORD OF THE WEEK: Pussy Mothers - The Number 1 EP [Optimo Music]

Up this week is the ever exploring Optimo Music whose sounds see no boundaries. Sometimes fit for bedroom listening, other times for moody after parties, this avant-garde EP from Pussy Mothers goes the distance by being quirky and stretching into comfortable yet unfamiliar territory. The project is the combination of two artists from other ends of the world, he from Scotland, she from Australia. How they met, is yet to be understood but there is something undoubtedly special happening between these two – a full length album would be an absolute treat. Instead of trying to pin down the different qualities of the EP I’d rather let the listener zone in with this and get lost in the intricate melodies, influences of cultures across the globe, and discover a unique sound that, despite its downfalls, is satisfaction personified.


Buy: Digital / Vinyl

Words by Ben S