WHERE TO GO: Raving Iran at Village Underground


We in the West, take our access to quality electronic music for granted.  For those in Tehran, Iran, the reality is a little different.

In Iran, electronic music is ‘generally forbidden’, and has no choice but to be ‘underground’.  As a producer or DJ of these sounds, following your passion and approaching it in the ‘the wrong way’ comes at price.  If caught, to be beaten, imprisoned, or even killed comes as no surprise. 

Raving Iran follows the life and journey of two Iranian Techno DJ’s, Anoosh and Arash aka Blade & Beard, and their frustration with the oppression of their home country’s attitude to the liberal arts, which ultimately lands them in serious danger.

Sick of hiding from the police and the stagnation of their career, they organise one last manic techno rave under incredibly dangerous circumstances in the desert.  “Back in Tehran they try their luck in selling their illegally printed album, without permission.”  All hope is lost when Anoosh is arrested.  By chance they receive a call from one of the worlds biggest techno festivals.  Once landed in Switzerland, the feeling of euphoria fades rapidly as the seriousness of the situation dawns on them.

Due to the strict laws in Iran they have to work out alternative techniques to document this tale.  One of them is to cut a small hole in Arash’s shirt so that his iPhone can shoot from inside.  The film has won numerous awards, and it’s showing, followed by a Q&A session from Anoosh and Arash themselves in Village Underground, is highly anticipated.  If you’re at a loose end, why not pay the two of them a visit and hear their incredible story. 



Words by Alex M
